Westbrook Centre

The Site

At present, the Westbrook Centre is outdated and offers no community benefit. The building is not in keeping with its context and does not have the energy performance and flexibility needed to meet modern tenant needs.

Consented in 1983 the Westbrook Centre currently occupies the entire site with a building which is not in keeping with the surrounding area and is identified in the Mitcham’s Corner Development Framework SPD as detracting from character of the wider area.

The existing office space at the Westbrook Centre is of poor quality and fails to meet modern environmental standards.

Our redevelopment proposals involve recycling much of the existing material to construct best-in-class office and lab space. This approach ensures that the site's long-term future is as sustainable as possible.

Refurbishing the the current buildings would limit the potential for improving the site's quality and sustainability.

The space does not meet the requirements of modern occupiers

The glazing and roofing are in need of replacement

There is extensive asbestos present on site

The utilities infrastructure is reliant on gas