The future of the

Westbrook Centre

Welcome to our consultation website on plans to transform the Westbrook Centre into a new state-of-the-art low carbon life sciences and office campus.

Reef Group, in collaboration with UBS Asset Management, has recently acquired the Westbrook Centre under their Life Sciences Platform, Forge_KN. Together, they are developing plans to reimagine the site as a new state-of-the-art, low carbon, life sciences campus.
This ambitious project will not only seek to meet the growing demand for office and laboratory space in the city, but will also provide a range of valuable community benefits to West Chesterton. We are currently at an early stage in the process and want to work closely with the local community to ensure that you can help to shape our proposals.
Our Vision for the Westbrook Centre
Our proposals will reimagine the Westbrook Centre as a landscape-led, low-carbon life sciences campus. Our plans have been shaped through extensive consultation with the local community, and the new proposals will deliver a genuine community asset, with a number of new public gardens and amenities for residents to enjoy.
Collaboration with the local community
Our plans for the Westbrook Centre have been shaped through three phases of public consultation in May 2023, July 2023 and September 2023.
This conisted of a number of public exhibitions, interactive surveys and online webinars for local residents, alongside numerous dedicated meetings with local stakeholders.
To view the boards from each public exhibition event:

Our Proposals for the

Westbrook Centre

A Best-in class life science development, a key Life Science node within a wider high impact platform of Forge_KN sites within the Golden Triangle.

Over 1000 full-time jobs and an inspirational place to work that promotes health, happiness, and well-being for occupants, visitors and local residents

Sensitively designed architecture building on the local vernacular and enhance the townscape

34,284 sqm new employment floorspace

A c.1,200 sqm communal reception including public cafe

2.3 acres public realm including 4 accessible character gardens for games, outdoor working, quiet resting and active leisure

A BREEAM ‘Excellent’ development with an optimised Whole Lifecycle Carbon strategy designed for operational and climate adaptability with a +120 year life

A water management strategy ensuring a 39% reduction in water usage on the site including rainwater harvesting to create an autonomously irrigated landscape

A 33% reduction in car parking on site and an 86% reduction in parking at street level releasing land for use as public realm

Omission of over half the roads within the site, and the pedestrian / cycle prioritisation of Westbrook Drive

864 cycle parking spaces with shower and changing facilities enabling a 75% mode share

An approximate total v in the area of £360 million

Thank you for participating in our public consultation on proposals for The Westbrook Centre.

Following three phases of community engagement, our plans have been submitted to Cambridge City Council and can be viewed on the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Portal here.

(Reference 24/00622/FUL )